School details

Information about the school

Name of School

Erica Primary School

EMIS number


Type of school


Age range of learners

6 – 14 years

Sex of learners

Male and Female

Name of principal

Mrs H. Rolls

School postal & physical address

Homeria Road, Belhar 7493

School telephone number

021 952 5814

School Fax to Email

086 424 1157

School email address

Total number of educators


Number of WCED permanent educators


Number of WCED temporary educators


Number of SGB employed educators and Grade R practitioners


Total number learners


Number of learners (identified by the school with special educational needs)

Number of languages spoken


Number of languages taught



Principals and Administrative staff

Mrs H. Rolls


Ms R. Smith

Deputy Principal

Mrs N. Vollenhoven


Mrs S. George


Teaching staff

Ms K. Brown

Departmental Head
Grade 2C

Mrs T. Isaacs

Departmental Head
Grade 7B

Ms A. Claasen

Grade R a

Mrs L. Zimri

Grade R b

Ms S. Fisher

Grade R c

Mrs F. Carolus

Grade 1a

Ms H. Noorden

Grade 1b

Ms T. Hayes

Grade 1c

Ms M. Sampson

Grade 2a

Ms M. Swanepoel

Grade 2b

Mrs Z. Booley

Grade 3a

Ms M. Gool

Grade 3b

Ms K. Phyfer

Grade 3c

Ms M. Jansen

Grade 4a

Mrs C. Van Wyk

Grade 4b

Mrs C. Lewis

Grade 6b

Mrs H. Gordon

Grade 5a

Mr N. Birch

Grade 5b

Ms A. Seconna

Grade 5c

Mr V. Petersen

Grade 6a

Ms A. Gafieldien

Grade 6a

Mr J. Oliver

Grade 6c

Mr R. Mokoto

Grade 7a

Ms B. Van De Heuvel

Grade 7c

Ms L. Du Plessis

Subject educator

Ms S. Daniels

Learning support educator

Ms T. Smith

Dance teacher

Non-teaching Staff

Ms L. Frantz

Fore-lady - general assistants

Ms Y. Wildskut

General assistant

Mr J. Kennedy

General assistant

Mr A. Erasmus

General assistant

Mr A. Swartz

General assistant

Ms L. Barnette


Teaching assistants

Ms M. Blows

Teacher assistant

Ms C. Botha

Teacher assistant

Ms R. Fürst

Teacher assistant

Ms M. Herbert

Teacher assistant

Ms C. Bezuidenhout

MOD - Coach

Ms M. Moosa

Teacher assistant

Ms C. Sochop

Teacher assistant