Name of School | Erica Primary School |
EMIS number | 0101321389 |
Type of school | Primary |
Age range of learners | 6 – 14 years |
Sex of learners | Male and Female |
Name of principal | Mrs H. Rolls |
School postal & physical address | Homeria Road, Belhar 7493 |
School telephone number | 021 952 5814 |
School Fax to Email | 086 424 1157 |
School email address | |
Total number of educators | 27 |
Number of WCED permanent educators | 17 |
Number of WCED temporary educators | 5 |
Number of SGB employed educators and Grade R practitioners | 5 |
Total number learners | 929 |
Number of learners (identified by the school with special educational needs) |
Number of languages spoken | 3 |
Number of languages taught | 2 |
Deputy Principal
Departmental Head
Grade 2C
Departmental Head
Grade 7B
Grade R a
Grade R b
Grade R c
Grade 1a
Grade 1b
Grade 1c
Grade 2a
Grade 2b
Grade 3a
Grade 3b
Grade 3c
Grade 4a
Grade 4b
Grade 6b
Grade 5a
Grade 5b
Grade 5c
Grade 6a
Grade 6a
Grade 6c
Grade 7a
Grade 7c
Subject educator
Learning support educator
Dance teacher
Fore-lady - general assistants
General assistant
General assistant
General assistant
General assistant
Teacher assistant
Teacher assistant
Teacher assistant
Teacher assistant
MOD - Coach
Teacher assistant
Teacher assistant