The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
“20th century popular culture”
The ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.
“Afro-Caribbean culture”

Erica Primary school has a choir that consists of 50 learners. The learners range from grade 4 to grade 7. The choir group has participated in many events including the Tygerberg Eisteddfod.
The choir forms part of many additional cultural events at school including drama’s, social eventsand formal events like assembly.

The Tygerberg Eisteddfod is held every year and Erica Primary School participates every year. The learners part-take in a few categories like poetry, public speaking, gedigte and the choir also part takes in their division.

We are in a privileged position to have a qualified member of staff to teach Music at school. In addition, Ukelele lessons are offered as an extra-curricular program offered by an outside source.

Erica Primary School proudly presents one production every alternate year. This is one of the school’s most successful cultural fundraiser. The most recent being “Aladdin in Trouble” which was a huge success. All props, backdrops and costumes were designed and manufactured by all members of staff.

Dress up
Our learners look forward to theme specific days where learners are encouraged to dress up and participate in the various activities arranged for the day. For example: Literacy day; Africa Day, Sports dress up days in support of the local and national teams, slipper day, crazy hat day etc.

Valentines Day
Valentine’s day usually coincides with our value of compassion. We use this day to promote the value by having class and individual items in the form of a show for the learners. This is also a platform for learners to showcase their talents.